May 11, 2011

Social Inactivism: The Vague Facebook Status

To those who have suffered losses, endured tragedies, and fight tooth and nail to protect your loved ones, aid strangers, and survive: You are in my thoughts every day. I think about the strength you must have to get through life, your sacrifices and your struggles and I offer you my support and my love. Know that the lack of changing my status based on the latest "chain status" does not mean that I think any less of you or your plight. Personally, I view these posts as a form of social inactivism- one posts them, feels good, and then nothing more comes of it. They desensitize us from the pain, and trivialize those who struggle by attempting to guilt others into spreading the message. I say, instead of devoting an hour of your facebook status, donate an hour of your actual time. Donate goods or services to help others, and share links that can help others instead of a cut and paste message. There are auctions and fundraisers constantly running on facebook to support many causes; shout out for one of them instead. Engage people and direct them to places where they can MAKE. A. DIFFERENCE. instead of just a facebook status blip.

"A father in order to test the geographical knowledge of his son, took a map of the world and tore it into pieces. He then called his son and said to him, 'Look my son, I have torn the map of the world and I would like you to put these pieces at their right places'. The son took away those pieces and in no time brought those pieces put correctly at their places. He put them on a board and there was intact the map of the world. The father was taken aback. Even he himself could not have put those pieces together in such a short time. Not willing to keep quiet about it, he questioned his son as to how he could do it so quickly. The child replied, 'Papa at the back of the map is the figure of a man. I put him right and the world was right'. "

I understand that it can be a daunting task to try and CURE something, or completely STOP something else- but we CAN make a difference. If we can't help everyone, we can still help SOMEONE. Next time you see a status where it asks you to post "x" or "y" for an hour, try posting a link to an auction, a place that might be having a sale to raise money for a certain cause or a certain someone instead. Instead of spreading couch potato "awareness" with messages make it easier for people to take POSITIVE ACTION. If you see one of these statuses, ask the person where and/or how you can help. Chances are if they know someone who has x,y or z, they know of an organization, a website, or a fundraiser taking place.

With that said, below are a few links that I have been made aware of by my friends on Facebook as well as locally.

Mastiffs for Soldiers M4s is a program placing companion mastiffs with those suffering from PTSD and Disablement due to the current OIF/OEF war.

The Hook Up {Custom Crochet, Knitting, & More} by MC: Not an organization but definitely a page to keep track of- her Uncle is fighting a battle with colon cancer and she holds auctions that help his family offset expenses.

Lupus Asheville: A friend of mine brought this group to my attention- they post links to help educate other about Lupus and offer support. May is actually Lupus awareness month according to the page.

Hemophilia Alliance of Maine: Another friend of mine has a son with hemophilia. This page is for the State of Maine.

In addition, if you'd like to help individual families and small businesses in general, there are many work at home moms (wahms) and dads (wahds) with amazing talent and quality goods right on facebook! By giving honest feedback and sharing their information, you help those families thrive too!

April 13, 2011

Pink Nailpolish Turns Boys Gay: A Celebration of Forward Thinking

I have just finished reading an article about a new J Crew ad featuring a Mom, her 5 year old son, and some quality time involving pink nail polish. ( article here: ) You may have read similar rants in the past, but I feel the need to express myself once again on this issue.

Anyone who has children knows that they will like what they like and that they couldn't care one fig about social constructs such as "gender identity". They care about being able to spend quality time with their parents, and doing things their parents do. If the picture featured a girl working on a car with her Dad, I doubt anyone would have spoken up against it. There is nothing wrong with a girl liking cars, dirt or wanting to be President someday; by the same token there is nothing wrong with a boy liking dolls, nail polish or showing his emotions. I had hoped that we were past all that.

It frustrates and saddens me that this photograph is not seen as a celebration of the bond between parent and child in a day and age where parents spend more time out of the home working and kids have less quality time with them.

Growing up, I wore pants, played football, rode my bike and hiked in the woods. I enjoyed math and science, climbing trees, and lifting heavy things. I am not a lesbian, but if I was, it would not be because of those things. I have a husband who is loving, caring, and does the dishes, the laundry and takes care of our son while I work to bring in a second income. He is straight too. I'll tell you, I much prefer having a forward thinking husband than an emotionally constipated one. Why influencing sexual orientation even comes into question for a 5 year old is beyond me. When did we become a nation of Sigmund Freuds where everything comes down to sex?

I would like to point out for the record that we currently have women in just about every career position from small businesses to huge international corporations. Women exist in just about every level of government. Women wear pants, work on cars, provide for their families, vote, write books, research...the list goes on. Last I knew, there were no population issues in the United States. This photograph serves to illustrate the inequality of the larger picture- women have been able to take on many rolls that have been traditionally held by men, but men are not shown the same courtesy. Feminism at its core is not about women becoming more like men while men sit idly by and watch their identities erode; it is about the celebration of equality and the freedom to choose the paths that fit us best. It is about the transcendence beyond stereotypical "girl" and "boy" associations.

I think we could learn a lot from this little boy. We need to stop being inconsistent, to let go of all these little things that don't matter and learn to appreciate the things that do.

April 12, 2011

1500 likers giveaway- something special for the moms!

Growing up was not always easy and we weren't perfect but through ups and downs, trials, errors, missteps and milestones, we've always been there for each other. While we may not always have liked each other, there was never a question of love. I fondly remember her making my birthday cakes (because buying one was never as special as burning the edges and then transforming the "good" parts into something wonderful), hiding around corners and behind things to jump out at me; and the not-so-fond memories of being grounded and disciplined. Despite whether I agreed with the punishment, at least my mom cared enough to be concerned with what I was doing.

It's funny, but when I was growing up I used to think about becoming a mom in the very distant future. I never thought about whether or not the father of my child would be in the room, but I always knew my mom would have a place there. In 2009, when that daydream became a reality, I was fortunate enough to have them both with me, but my mom was my rock. She was the one I looked to for support and guidance while I was pushing, and she was the one who encouraged be when I wasn't sure if I could buckle down and bring my son into the world. It was a very personal moment and added another layer to the special bond that we share. It was a celebration of everything it means to be a mother, and the way I wish all daughters could experience childbirth. I wouldn't have traded it for the world, and I know she feels the same way.

Now that I'm a mom my perspectives have changed; I find myself mixing some of the elements my mom used with some of my own. Sometimes I feel like I live in a constant state of fear that something will happen to my son. Other times I'm just able to enjoy the moment and become a kid again myself. Between the snuggles, the kisses and hugs, the pouting and the occasional tear, my love has grown exponentially for my son. You never think you can love your child more than you do at any specific moment, but I can tell you that you can and you do. The love just keeps growing and growing, and your heart continually expands to hold it all. Heaven help the one who steals his heart when he's all grown up- Momma bear does not like to share!

So...enough about me and onto the giveaway! I've been at 1500 likers for a little bit now; thank you all so much! This giveaway is a special one for the moms out there. I only have a prototype picture, but the winner will receive a scroll pendant with the name of their choice and birthstone color Swarovski crystal accent! To enter, please comment with your first name, email address and something about Moms- whether it is a memory/story about your mom or about being a mom. Additional entries awarded for sharing this contest/my page via facebook or on your blog (1 entry each per day; please comment below with type of entry, name and email for extra entries to count; make sure you tag GossamerScapes on your facebook posts so I can see them) Winner will be drawn on April 24th! Thank you and good luck!

For those of you looking for Mother's Day gifts, I am currently having a sale this week on my decorative paper pendants! You can see them on facebook: Here. Enjoy!

Winner will be contacted via email and will have 72 hours to respond; if no response is received, another winner will be chosen. Entries open worldwide except where prohibited by law. Will ship worldwide except where prohibited by law.

March 26, 2011

1400 Likers Giveaway! CLOSED

I want to say thank you to all of you that support me with your kind words and take the time to view my page and share it with others. Thank you to all of you who have seen one of my creations and brought it in to your home to cherish. A special thank you to those who have been with GossamerScapes since the beginning, who have seen the potential in me and encouraged me to believe in myself. I am in awe and humbled by each and every one of you. Thank you!

Mud season is about to start here in Maine, a pivotal time between winter and spring where everything is-well- full of mud. To celebrate this time of thawing and preparing for the blossoms of spring, I've dedicated my 1400 likers piece to those in between times of potential and promise. The cabochon wrapped here was given to me by Marie over at Superior Agates ( ) and I've wrapped it in hand braided copper with a braided copper rosette. I'll be honest, I'm not sure how much copper braiding I'll be doing in the future- it does a doozy on the hands!

I will draw and announce the winner on April 2nd! All you need to do to enter is be a liker of GossamerScapes on facebook ( ), then leave your name and email address below so I can contact you! Thank you!

January 30, 2011

Closed**1200 Likers giveaway!

GossamerScapes has reached 1200 likers on Facebook! It has been an incredible journey up to now, and I'm sure that it will continue to be so. I am humbled and awed by the wonderful people that have found me through Facebook, Artfire and Etsy- from clients to fellow artisans to all of my likers who give me feedback and encourage me! A huge thank you to all of you~I look forward to the wonderful year that has just begun!

The Prize is a brand new GossamerScapes original design- Dolphin Sunset earrings! it's rather snowy and cold up here in Maine, and I wanted to make something that reminded me of fun times, freedom, playfulness, and balmy weather. A hand shaped dolphin silhouette cavorts above the setting sun and the blue Carribean sea. Made with tarnish resistant silver plated wire and Genuine Swarovski crystals, my Dolphin Sunset earrings are sure to please.

Entering is easy-peasy! Just post your name, email address, and answer the question "Where would you like to go on vacation?" below. I will leave this open until Feb 13th, 2010. Open only to US and Canada. You'll receive one extra entry for each friend you refer (they must place "sent by" and your name in their comment below for it to count) Winner must be a current liker of my facebook page: I will send an email to the winner as well as post on my facebook page. The winner will have 96 hours after the announcement to contact me back or they forfeit the earrings and I will redraw.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart, and enjoy the giveaway!

October 8, 2010


As my son grew older and more adventurous, I found that the couple hours of sleep that I coveted as my right after a long night of work dwindled down to nothing. My life quickly became off balance, and my attitude resembled an ogre more than anything else. I felt that no one should have to deal with that every day, so I decided to change jobs. Luckily, a new call center was built within the past year in the next town, so I applied there. They hired me and I start on Monday! I will work more hours and more days a week, but shorter shifts, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get sleep each night!

I'm participating in my first craft fair next weekend! I can't wait to experience it and see how it goes. For those of you who have participated in or attended craft fairs in the past, do you have any tidbits you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them!
I am thankful for all my fans and clients! You've made my jewelry making such a success and I love making new pretties and revealing them to all of you!

September 28, 2010

Giveaway! 777 likers :) CLOSED

You are all wonderful!

I want to say thank you to everyone who likes my page, comments on my posts and pictures, leaves reviews and feedback, and all of my lovely customers! Because of your support, I get closer to my dream of being a full time WAHM every day. To celebrate reaching 777 awesome likers, I'm giving away a $10 gift voucher good towards any jewelry/accessory/photograph purchase!

If I happen to reach 850 likers before the giveaway ends, I'll give out 2 $10 vouchers! So please like my page then enter here and share my page/giveaway with all your friends! All you need to do to enter is comment below with your name and email address where I can contact you.

I'll draw a winner on October 8th! You must be a fan of my GossamerScapes in addition to commenting here. I'll be verifying the winner's name to make sure they are a fan.

Winners have 48 hours to respond to my email or someone else will be chosen. Open to the US and Canada only.